Saturday, July 18, 2009

Vaction, smacation

Who needs a vacation when you have a hose, rubbermade containers,sprinklers, buckets, water guns, and neighborhood friends. We got this idea from one of our neighbors who is expecting. One day she was sitting outside watching her kids play with her feet in a container, then we all started playing. So this was the first day to reach 100 so we needed some relief. Don't you just love it when the kids are in the bathing suits running through the sprinklers and then if someone gets them wet they scream " don't get me wet!" I don't know how many times I said it's okay that is why we are out here to get wet. We had a contest who could sit in the cold water the longest. Then we would get on our bikes or scooters and trying to throw water on each other. YEa summer is finally here.

Giving the kids some culture, Why?

I found out the Utah Sym. was doing a free concert and the Sandy Amp. So I thought, this will be fun, we had just gone to the Sandy Amp, for Brittin's performance and it was really little and had a nice slope on the grassy part that it would be a great place to have a family outing. So I left to get a spot early, thinking that it would be packed, it was a nice weather day. So I get there an hour early and get my front row grass spot and lay out all the blankets and chairs and bags of food, to keep the kids entertains, well at least their mouths full, so the noise level would be down. At the last min. I grab some comics that we had left in the car from the library run, thinking if they didn't like the music they could read in between the songs they didn't know. James showed up with 5 min. to spare, well the kids were ready to run and wrestle and scream, not to sit down quietly and get intellectually stimulated. So I showed the the food and then they started screaming I want that one, how come he gets that, I want some and then the noise of the bags opening, I thought why did we come. Well then they finally settled down and tried to listen but then they saw dad laying down and at our house that means JUMP. We don't have a tramp, so James is the tramp. Logan found the comics and wanted to read all of them and we were making too much noise for him to read. Brecken and Brittin were having a pillow fight and finally the intermission came and I had them run around at the back, They then decided to roll down the hill and got scolded by one of the volunteers. Then we played tag and then the show started again. This time they were ready to go home but then they started playing and the conductor had us clap, do a cell phone song, yell hee haw and march so I thought they were having fun but when we got in the car I ask to give the evening a rating from 1 -10 of how much they liked it and Brittin gave it a 1 and Kolbryn gave it a 3 and Logan gave it a 5 and Brecken gave it a 2 because that is how old he is. Brittin said the only thing she liked was that she got to stay up. So I guess next time I want to enhance their lives I guess I'll keep it to myself.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer Days

We didn't take any pictures of the 4th but we did have fun. We went down to Vegas and stayed in a way nice hotel, Thanks Papa and Nana. And see Rhyan get baptized. I always had the camera in the hotel room because I thought it would get too hot and melt or something melt on it. We played in the pool and Visited the natural springs and had a great time. The weather was hot but we stayed cool. We even had hot chocolate on the 4th. The Casinos keep it so cold inside it didn't feel weird drinking a winter drink in the summer. Before Vegas, James, Logan, Tryce, Levi, Steve, Papa, Eric, JOseph and Lee's family went on a river trip. James took some pictures but not to many because he was afraid of getting it wet. (WE are really afraid of our cheap camera getting destroyed) They had a great time playing Star wars with each other. They played with sticks and rocks and never got bored, how does that work, when it takes an earthquake to get Logan to do anything else but watch T.V. or play computer or he will say he is bored. Today we went to Copperton Park and had a great time, Logan is in tennis lessons, so he was practicing and the others ran around at the park. Anyone who has never been to this park, needs to come out for a visit, it is really fun and really close to our house, but our house isn't really close to anything else. We are just getting ready for James to go on a RIver trip next week and then a scout trip the next and maybe get something done in the back yard. Maybe the 5th year is the charm. Cross your fingers.

She lost it

Brittin's tooth is out and she wants everyone to know. She has been hitting it for weeks with the heal of her hand and trying to gross Nana out with how she can wiggle it. TOday she was eating an apple and said mom it is really loose. I wiggled it and said I think dad can pull it out tonight. Dad didn't get home till 8:30 but she was waiting, he put the mail down, took out the trash, and Brittin was waiting with some string. It took a few times to tie it and she wanted it out by slamming the door, every time James slammed the door the string would slip off, finally James said I think you get paid extra if you pull your tooth your self. So then Brittin tried with just her fingers, no luck. Finally James got it out, with no crying. Then she went around jumping, who can I call and tell, all we could come up with to call was the grandmas, so they both got an exciting phone call. Brittin can't wait to wake up and count her money.