Sunday, May 8, 2011

Kolby baptism

My third child was baptised does that mean I am old or what. Can any one guess how long it took for him to repent. It was 2 1/2 hours. I had a bball game right after and on the way over to it he beat up his brother, Darn I thought it might be the only thing to get him under control, so know I have to do the work of raising him right. He had his grandpa baptise him and dad comfirm him. He wanted uncle Eric but dad said he need to do something for him. We had a Baptism with Teniyah and it was really fun, they got blessed together and now baptized together, now they need to get married and the same time. This was his birthday party so he invited his friends and he was so happy to have 2 show up. One was Whitney and one was Austin. He plays with them at school Austin even left his baseball meeting early to make it there. What nice friends. Kolbryn is trying really hard to remember who and what he is now and I am so proud of his decision to become a member of THe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Now I just have to keep him with good friends and remembering how to repent.

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