Monday, June 8, 2009

Bad Mom

Well not only was Kolbryn covered with scrapes but he also had a broken arm. Yes and it only took me 5 days and a husband to figure it out. Kolbryn was being such a baby about his scrapes that I couldn't even touch them with out a scream that I just left him alone. He was crying about everything. He wouldn't go to school because people were going to stare at him and he absolutely didn't want that so I let him stay home on Monday but by Tuesday I needed him out of the house before I was going to kill him. Every time someone got in line and asked him what happen he would come and hide behind me and cry. SO we spent a couple of minutes in the bathroom and I finally got him to go to school. Then wed. we went to the park and he rode his skateboard, got on his bike one handed and said look mom I can ride it with one hand. This whole it I was getting him dressed and undressed because he could move his arm. Well he had a huge scrap on his elbow and I thought it was because of that. Well by Thursday night we had a meeting at a park and James was there and asked what was wrong with Kolbryn. I said he is just faking it. James said no I think something is wrong. Kolbryn was trying to climb a rock wall and would only use his hand like a T-Rex. So James said take him to the doctors. SO we went Friday morning and got x-rays. We were waiting for the dr. to come and talk to us and the x-ray tech. came and said I think he should win the Best Kid award and I said what? She said come and look at this. The bone was totally broken all the way across. She said I was moving him all around and turning his arm this way and that and he didn't make a sound, then I looked at the film and said is this the same kid. So I wasn't the only one that couldn't believe it. So then I had to go and explain to everyone that I didn't believe him and then I really felt bad because I had been so mean. But he doesn't have to have a cast just a sling. The hard thing is keeping him in it.

1 comment:

bjohnston said...

Kolbryn is one tough little guy! I feel your pain, Kenielle; it's just so hard to guess what's going on with kids sometimes!