Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Brittin's field trip and talent show

Brittin is so excited to be going into 3rd grade. But what was really exciting was all the things you do at the end of the year. First was her field trip to the Planetarium and eat lunch at Liberty Park, the her next field trip, which I got to go on, was Natural History Museum, liberty park, and then the Capital. She got with a good group of girls and had a great time together. Each trying to gross the other one out with the spiders. Then Brittin had to tell them about the naked Indians so they could laughing and pointing at them. Then there was a bird that had feathers a different color on it's breast and she remembered that from her last trip and told the whole floor. I'm telling you she loves her body parts. I had a great time watching her with her friends and playing around. Then we were on the bus ride home and I could tell I was in for it. She was laying all over me and wouldn't let me talk to the other kids, she had stayed up so late the night before, because she was excited to go on the field trip. SO no sleep and a long exciting day is not a good mix with her. So first she wouldn't let me stand up on the bus to get off, so we were holding up the line, then she wanted to come home with me, but I had to go get the boys from James at work so it wouldn't have been helpful, then she was pulling on my arm and crying and not going to class, I finally got her to class and got to pick up the boys, So her next exciting event was a talent show. She decided to play her piano piece and jump rope. She wanted to do soccer and monkey bars but I talked her out of that. She wanted to do her dance but I said you have to have 8 other girls to do your dance, so I talked her out of that. When I got to school and saw all the other kids talents I felt bad I hadn't let her do it too. Everyone had a fun time and boy do these kids have courage. How do we loose it so fast. Not one of them was shy or nervous and there are some shy kids in her class, but not for the talent show. I will have to remember next time to just let her do what she wants and encourage her instead of give her reasons to doubt herself. She is a very talented girl

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